How The Plan Inventory Came About
The idea for a statewide Active Transportation Plan Inventory came about through a collaborative effort between TxDOT and the TxDOT Bicycle Advisory Committee to identify opportunities to improve bicycle and pedestrian facility consideration in the TxDOT project development process. One of the opportunities identified was the need for a centralized location for information about existing active transportation-related planning documents across Texas.
With the Texas Active Transportation Plan Inventory, you can search for active transportation plans in Texas that address any aspect of non-motorized or active travel (e.g., bicycling, walking, micromobility, wheelchair use, etc.). These plans have been published by transportation planning organizations or agencies at varying geographic levels across the state (e.g., city, county, MPO). The Texas Active Transportation Plan Inventory allows users to easily identify all available plans related to active travel modes for a specific project area or planning region.
TxDOT hopes this tool will provide an easy-to-use planning resource that will be continuously updated and expanded. We aim to improve collaboration among the local, regional, and statewide agencies working to bring more and safer active transportation networks to Texas.
How To Use The Plan Inventory
To get started, click around on the map, search using the search bar at the top of the screen, filter using the selection of entity and mode-specific filters, or draw a boundary around the area you would like to explore.
Plans in the inventory may cover large areas like MPOs or smaller areas such as corridors. Larger geographies may overlap with small ones. To view plans in smaller planning areas, zoom into the map and refer to the cards on the left, draw a filter around the area of interest and choose the desired plan from the list of cards, or click on the Filter icon and use the Plan Area slider to filter to plans with smaller areas. Alternatively, entering keywords like “corridor” or ”campus” into the search box may return plans of interest.
Have A Plan? Submit It Here!
If you are a planning entity and you would like to submit active plan information to the inventory, please click here to be redirected to the Plan Submission Portal. The more plans in the inventory, the greater the opportunity for collaboration and the easier it is for planning and engineering professionals to access your plans.
Contact Us
Thank you for your interest! If you have further questions or suggestions, please email TxDOT at